Luck E Awesome Joy Red P EX-93 2.00 305d 11.300kg 4.8% 546f 3.3% 371p 3.05 365d 14.769kg 4.6% 686f 3.4% 500p 4.09 365d 15.501kg 4.1% 638f 3.7% 574p | A-L-H Joyce Red (Latenite daughter x Joy P Red) |
Luck E Awesome Joy Red P EX-93:
* EX-93 and 11 generations excellent!
* Top 5 PTAT and UDC Red Polled cow worldwide!
* 2nd Jr 3yr Old & BU Northeast Fall Red & White Show 2020
* Joy is the dam of Luck E Joyrider Red PP
* Joy is the dam of ZBW-JLP Mirand Joyful-PP-Red 2y VG-87:
– 1st Summer Jr 2yr Old Northeast Spring R&W Show 2023
* Joy is the dam of ZBW-JLP Mirand Joyous PP Red 2y VG-88:
– highest seller $45.000 in de Best of Luck E Sale 2023!
Joy P Red is open and ready to flush